Start the one-week fitness challenge from 8th Jan to 14th Jan 2024 with the rest of the FC fam.
Work out for six days a week to stay healthy. You set your personal daily goal, which can be anything above the minimum required standards (work out for 30 minutes a day, burn at least 175 calories daily, or walk at least 5000 steps per day). Major health organizations, including WHO, have prescribed the minimum standards that are considered here. So, let's stay healthy together!
Monday Motivation: Kickstart the Week
Post a Proof
Day 2: Target Tuesday: Keep an eye on your goals
Day 3: Wellness Wednesday: Mind and Body Connection
Day 4: Thriving Thursday: Fitness Fusion
समूह चर्चा
इस समूह को देखने के लिए कार्यक्रम बनाने वाले व्यक्ति से संपर्क करें।